Перевод: с английского на португальский

с португальского на английский

the Master

  • 1 the Master

    the Master
    Jesus Cristo.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > the Master

  • 2 master

    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) senhor
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) dono
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) professor
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) comandante
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mestre
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) Menino
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) experiente
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) controlar
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) dominar
    - masterfully
    - masterfulness
    - masterly
    - masterliness
    - mastery
    - master key
    - mastermind
    4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) planear
    - master stroke
    - master switch
    - master of ceremonies
    * * *
    [m'a:stə; m'æstə] n 1 dono, senhor, amo. 2 mestre, patrão. 3 professor. 4 artista. 5 proprietário, empregador. 6 vencedor. 7 chefe, supervisor. 8 perito, especialista. 9 título honorífico nas universidades. • vt 1 domar, controlar. 2 assenhorear-se de. 3 dominar a fundo. 4 tornar-se perito em, ser mestre em. • adj 1 magistral, de mestre, superior. 2 principal. Master of Arts Educ mestre em Ciências Humanas. master of ceremonies mestre-de-cerimônias. Master of Science Educ mestre em Ciências. the Master Jesus Cristo. to be master of ser dono ou senhor de. to be one’s own master ser independente.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > master

  • 3 master of ceremonies

    ( abbreviation MC) (a person who announces the various stages of an entertainment, formal social gathering, series of speakers at a dinner etc: The master of ceremonies introduced the speaker.) mestre de cerimónias
    * * *
    master of ceremonies
    mestre de cerimônias.
    master of ceremonies

    English-Portuguese dictionary > master of ceremonies

  • 4 master of ceremonies

    ( abbreviation MC) (a person who announces the various stages of an entertainment, formal social gathering, series of speakers at a dinner etc: The master of ceremonies introduced the speaker.) mestre de cerimônias

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > master of ceremonies

  • 5 master

    1. feminine - mistress; noun
    1) (a person or thing that commands or controls: I'm master in this house!) patrão
    2) (an owner (of a slave, dog etc): The dog ran to its master.) dono
    3) (a male teacher: the Maths master.) professor
    4) (the commander of a merchant ship: the ship's master.) capitão
    5) (a person very skilled in an art, science etc: He's a real master at painting.) mestre
    6) ((with capital) a polite title for a boy, in writing or in speaking: Master John Smith.) senhor
    2. adjective
    ((of a person in a job) fully qualified, skilled and experienced: a master builder/mariner/plumber.) mestre
    3. verb
    1) (to overcome (an opponent, handicap etc): She has mastered her fear of heights.) dominar
    2) (to become skilful in: I don't think I'll ever master arithmetic.) dominar
    - masterfully - masterfulness - masterly - masterliness - mastery - master key - mastermind 4. verb
    (to plan (such a scheme): Who masterminded the robbery?) planejar
    - master stroke - master switch - master of ceremonies

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > master

  • 6 master switch

    (a switch for controlling a number of other switches: There is a master switch that controls all the electricity.) disjuntor

    English-Portuguese dictionary > master switch

  • 7 master switch

    (a switch for controlling a number of other switches: There is a master switch that controls all the electricity.) chave geral

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > master switch

  • 8 harbour-master

    noun (the official in charge of a harbour.) capitão do porto
    * * *
    [h'a:bə ma:stə] n Brit comandante de zona portuária.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > harbour-master

  • 9 question-master

    noun (a person who asks the questions in eg a quiz.) apresentador

    English-Portuguese dictionary > question-master

  • 10 harbour-master

    noun (the official in charge of a harbour.) capitão do porto

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > harbour-master

  • 11 question-master

    noun (a person who asks the questions in eg a quiz.) interrogador

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > question-master

  • 12 boss

    [bos] 1. noun
    (the master or manager: the boss of the factory.) patrão
    2. verb
    ((usually with about/around) to order: Stop bossing everyone about!) mandar
    - bossily
    - bossiness
    * * *
    [bɔs] n 1 chefe, mestre, patrão, empregador. 2 manda-chuva, chefe político. • vt+vi 1 ser chefe de, dirigir, controlar. 2 ser ditador, mandar. • adj diz-se daquele que é o mais importante, principal, mestre. he bosses the show ele é o manda-chuva.
    [bɔs] n 1 Bot, Zool protuberância, bossa. 2 ornamento, enfeite (em relevo). 3 saliência, elevação. 4 Archit almofada, bossagem. 5 Mech bossa, cubo, meão. 6 Naut bojo, anel, olhal. • vt 1 enfeitar com ornamento em relevo. 2 colocar bossa.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > boss

  • 13 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [meit] n 1 companheiro, companheira, colega. 2 cônjuge, consorte. 3 macho ou fêmea (de animais). 4 imediato de navio mercante. 5 ajudante. • vt+vi 1 casar, unir. 2 acasalar.
    [meit] n Chess xeque-mate. • vt dar xeque-mate.
    [m'a:tei] n Bot 1 erva-mate. 2 chá-mate.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > mate

  • 14 maté

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) par
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) colega
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) imediato
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate
    * * *
    [m'a:tei] n = link=mate mate.3.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > maté

  • 15 boss

    [bos] 1. noun
    (the master or manager: the boss of the factory.) chefe
    2. verb
    ((usually with about/around) to order: Stop bossing everyone about!) mandar
    - bossily - bossiness

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > boss

  • 16 mate

    [meit] 1. verb
    1) (to come, or bring (animals etc), together for breeding: The bears have mated and produced a cub.) acasalar(-se)
    2) ((chess) to checkmate (someone).) dar xeque-mate
    2. noun
    1) (an animal etc with which another is paired for breeding: Some birds sing in order to attract a mate.) parceiro
    2) (a husband or wife.) cônjuge
    3) (a companion or friend: We've been mates for years.) companheiro
    4) (a fellow workman or assistant: a carpenter's mate.) sócio
    5) (a merchant ship's officer under the master or captain: the first mate.) contramestre
    6) (in chess, checkmate.) xeque-mate

    English-Portuguese (Brazil) dictionary > mate

  • 17 ME

    ((used as the object of a verb or preposition and sometimes instead of I) the word used by a speaker or writer when referring to himself: He hit me; Give that to me; It's me; He can go with John and me.) me/mim/(com)migo
    * * *
    abbr mechanical engineer (engenheiro mecânico), Master of Education (mestre em Educação), Master of Engineering (mestre em Engenharia).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > ME

  • 18 MA

    [,em 'ei]
    ( abbreviation) (Master of Arts; a second university degree in arts, literature etc (but not in the sciences).)
    * * *
    [em 'ei] abbr Master of Arts (mestre em Ciências Humanas).

    English-Portuguese dictionary > MA

  • 19 key

    [ki:] 1. noun
    1) (an instrument or tool by which something (eg a lock or a nut) is turned: Have you the key for this door?) chave
    2) (in musical instruments, one of the small parts pressed to sound the notes: piano keys.) tecla
    3) (in a typewriter, calculator etc, one of the parts which one presses to cause a letter etc to be printed, displayed etc.) tecla
    4) (the scale in which a piece of music is set: What key are you singing in?; the key of F.) escala
    5) (something that explains a mystery or gives an answer to a mystery, a code etc: the key to the whole problem.) chave
    6) (in a map etc, a table explaining the symbols etc used in it.) escala
    2. adjective
    (most important: key industries; He is a key man in the firm.) essencial
    - keyhole
    - keyhole surgery
    - keynote
    - keyed up
    * * *
    [ki:] n 1 chave, chaveta (também Electr). 2 código, padrão, legenda. 3 solução, explicação, decifração, código. 4 posição-chave, reduto. 5 pessoa ou coisa indispensável, dirigente, comandante. 6 pino, parafuso, contrapino, cunha, porca. 7 chave de fenda, chave inglesa. 8 tecla, lingüeta de flauta e outros instrumentos de sopro. 9 Mus escala, tonalidade. what’s the key? / Mus qual é a chave? 10 estilo musical ou literário. 11 keys pl membros da câmara de representantes na Ilha de Man. • vt 1 Tech encaixar, entalhar. 2 fechar à chave, chavear. 3 Typogr calçar. 4 Mus afinar. 5 ajustar, acertar (um discurso à altura do auditório). 6 fig conferir, estar certo. • adj 1 controlador de controle. 2 muito importante, essencial, fundamental. he had the key of the street sl ele teve de passar a noite no olho da rua. master key chave-mestra. natural key Mus chave natural. to key in Comp introduzir comandos ou dados através da digitação. to key up incitar, estimular, Mus elevar o tom.
    [ki:] n recife, parcel, baixio.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > key

  • 20 hard

    1. adjective
    1) (firm; solid; not easy to break, scratch etc: The ground is too hard to dig.) duro
    2) (not easy to do, learn, solve etc: Is English a hard language to learn?; He is a hard man to please.) difícil
    3) (not feeling or showing kindness: a hard master.) duro
    4) ((of weather) severe: a hard winter.) violento
    5) (having or causing suffering: a hard life; hard times.) duro
    6) ((of water) containing many chemical salts and so not easily forming bubbles when soap is added: The water is hard in this part of the country.) pesada
    2. adverb
    1) (with great effort: He works very hard; Think hard.) esforçadamente
    2) (with great force; heavily: Don't hit him too hard; It was raining hard.) violentamente
    3) (with great attention: He stared hard at the man.) fixamente
    4) (to the full extent; completely: The car turned hard right.) totalmente
    - hardness
    - hardship
    - hard-and-fast
    - hard-back
    - hard-boiled
    - harddisk
    - hard-earned
    - hard-headed
    - hard-hearted
    - hardware
    - hard-wearing
    - be hard on
    - hard at it
    - hard done by
    - hard lines/luck
    - hard of hearing
    - a hard time of it
    - a hard time
    - hard up
    * * *
    [ha:d] adj 1 duro, sólido, firme, rígido, compacto. 2 difícil, dificultoso. hard lessons / lições, tarefas difíceis. 3 severo, áspero, opressivo, inflexível. 4 desagradável. 5 fatigante, trabalhoso. 6 intricado. 7 insuportável, injusto. 8 sl mau, desonroso. 9 que contém sais minerais (água). 10 que contém muito álcool. • adv 1 ao lado, junto. 2 duramente, asperamente, severamente, fortemente. 3 com empenho. a hard case um caso difícil ou perdido. a hard death uma morte penosa. a hard ride marcha acelerada (a cavalo). a hard worker um trabalhador eficiente. for hard wear durável. hard after logo atrás. hard at hand perto, disponível. hard at work trabalhando diligentemente. hard by perto, ao lado. hard of hearing que ouve mal, surdo. hard to digest indigesto. he is hard to deal with é difícil aturá-lo. he is hard to please é difícil contentá-lo. he is hard upon the man ele trata o homem com dureza ou injustamente. in a hard condition em boa forma física. it is hard lines for him ele está com azar. it is hard upon seven são quase sete horas. it rains hard chove a cântaros. it will go hard with me, but I... será difícil que eu não... I was hard pressed estive em grande aperto. the wind blew hard o vento soprou fortemente. to bear hard upon oprimir. to die hard vender caro sua vida. to drink hard beber muito. to drive a hard bargain regatear por centavos. to press hard for insistir energicamente.
    [ha:d] n 1 solo duro, margem firme (não pantanosa). 2 dificuldade. 3 sl trabalhos forçados.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > hard

См. также в других словарях:

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